Friday, January 25, 2013


Fulsome (fool-suhm) adj. - grossly overdone

To be used in place of "excessive," "immoderate," etc. 

It is not my intention to be fulsome, but I confess that I covet your skull. - Arthur Conan Doyle 

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Unbecoming (uhn-bi-kuhm-ing) adj. - ill-fitting

To be used in place of "unseemly," "unsightly," "unsuitable," etc. 

It's unbecoming for him to show so much passion.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Casuistry (kazh-wi-stree) n. - deceptive reasoning; sophistry

To be used in place of "equivocation," "specious reasoning," etc. 

Don't give in to their casuistry - they're leading you away from the facts.

Monday, January 21, 2013


Obeisance (oh-bey-suhns) n. - deference

To be used in place of "homage," "respect," etc.

All the knights paid obeisance to the queen.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Nicety (nahy-si-tee) n. - subtlety

To be used in place of "nuance," "subtlety," etc. 

Let's not get into the niceties of the policy just yet.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Adventive (ad-ven-tiv) adj. - nonnative

To be used in place of "foreign," "alien," etc.

An adventive garland of flowers was hung on the wall to remind them of their Hawaii honeymoon.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Abstemious (ab-stee-mee-uhs) adj. - temperate

To be used in place of "self -controlled," "disciplined," etc.

"A man may choose whether he will have abstemiousness and knowledge, or claret and ignorance." - Samuel Johnson

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Tenebrous (ten-uh-bruhs) adj. - dark; gloomy

To be used in place of "dark," and "obscure."


I prefer not to study in the musty and tenebrous school library.
The meaning of your argument is tenebrous and your logic is feeble. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Nonpareil (non-puh-rel) adj. - having no parallel

To be used in place of "extraordinary," "amazing," etc. (as well as "par excellence" and "extraordinaire").

Last week's game was exciting, but today's was nonpareil.
She is a violinist nonpareil.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Cantankerous (kan-tang-ker-uhs) adj. - off-putting; ill-tempered

To be used in place of "obnoxious" "disagreeable," etc.

I'd come if the place wasn't full of cantankerous old men.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Bowdlerize (bohd-luh-rahyz) v. - to censor, expurgate, clean up

To be used in place of "censor," "water down," etc.


Many of the parents objected to a bowdlerized version of Huck Finn on the basis that works should be read as they were written. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Heeled (heeld) adj. - having money

To be used in place of "wealthy," "rich," etc.

The mayor was joined by his well-heeled coterie

Monday, January 7, 2013


Trammel (tram-uhl) n. - impediment; constraint

To be used as "trammels" and in place of "obstacle," "limitation," etc.


He dreamed of a day when Wall Street would be free from the trammels of financial regulation.

Friday, January 4, 2013


Lily-livered (lil-ee-liv-erd) adj. - cowardly

To be used in place of "cowardly," "spineless," etc.

Because I'm a lily-livered, bleeding-heart, liberal, egghead communist. - West Wing 

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Antipode (an-ti-pohd) n. - opposite

To be used in place of "opposite."  The pronunciation is not to be mistaken with "antipodes" from which the word derives.  Antipodes
(an-tip-uh-deez) - two places on earth in diametrically opposed locations; a group of islands belonging to New Zealand.  
One reporter called the newcomer the antipode of the incumbent.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Otiose (oh-shee-ohs) adj. - futile; superfluous

To be used in place of "unnecessary," "vain," "useless," etc. 

Belief is otiose; reality is sufficiently awesome as it stands. - Martin Amis

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Countenance (koun-tn-uhns) v. - permit; allow

To be used in place of "tolerate," "put up with," etc. 

I will not countenance such behavior.